Bulls for Sale – Guaranteed for the first breeding season. Fertility tested and scrotal measured. Kept and delivered for free.
See this year’s offering.
Reference Sires – We’re pleased with the offspring these sires have produced, and we know you will be too. Take a look around and let us know if you have any questions.
Cow Herd – Our females are the foundation of our operation. Our cow herd has been developed with genetics that promote fertility, efficiency, longevity and docility.
We are continually working to diversify our operation, so we’ve got more to offer you. We custom feed and background cattle, and we offer heifer-development services.
You’re welcome to visit the ranch anytime to see the cattle, meet our family, and try some of our beef.
Our ranch is located 30 miles southwest of Faith or 25 miles northeast of Enning. Contact us for directions.
We look forward to meeting you!
Lance & Kerry
Bentley, Bridger & Crew